Advertising procedures in JobMaster
The procedures are intended for all types of services that Job Master provides to companies and recruiters.
(Annual subscription, dynamic ad bank subscription, click Master service, Viewing Profiles & CV's database)
The following details are subject to and in addition to the provisions of the regulations for employers published in the site, the order form, and any accompanying document given on purchasing the service.
For the purpose of purchasing a subscription and/or a service, and in order to receive additional details for the services offered by us below, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
The following details are subject to and in addition to the provisions of the regulations for employers published in the site, the order form, and any accompanying document given on purchasing the service.
For the purpose of purchasing a subscription and/or a service, and in order to receive additional details for the services offered by us below, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
• By phone: 03-6343411
• By email:
• By purchasing in the Internet store in the site:
Annual subscription
1. Content of ads (displayed to the job seekers)
3. Ad mailing
Annual subscription
1. Content of ads (displayed to the job seekers)
Permitted for advertising
- Job offers in Israel in accordance with the law
- Definition of "Job Offer": A job offer from a potential employer to candidates, which includes details about the description
and requirements of the position and employment, and constitutes a preliminary stage to creating an employment contract,
subject to equality laws and contract law in Israel. - Job offers abroad only when speaking of relocation (transfer to abroad)
- Phone number or fax number
- Phone number or fax number (in a designated place and not in the required ad content)
Prohibited for advertising
- Commercial offers (of all kinds)
- Offers for studies and/or courses
- Job offers for young people abroad (not relocation)
- Job offers using the pyramid method (MLM) etc. (but only in the field of network marketing)
- Website address
- Email address
- Advertising or referring to WhatsApp phone numbers
- Direction to social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts, etc.
- Any ad may be published in a maximum of 2 different categories.
- Only one job can be posted per advertising cube.
- Every new position advertised on the site must remain as an active advertisement for a minimum of 96 hours from the start of its publication.
- In exceptional cases (for any reason) it will be possible to remove the advertisement before the end of 96 hours.
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- It is possible to mail every job ad once in 4 full days (96 hours). In other words, if a position was mailed on Sunday then the next mailing will be possible only on Thursday of that week.
- If you manually mail the same job after 4 days and/or duplicate it, the mailing will only be sent to new job seekers registered for the job's categories.
4. Pop-up ads (updating date)
- It is possible to update the date (pop-up an ad) once only a day.
- Pop-up of the ad is done by the advertiser only.
- It is possible to edit the content of the ads without limitation during the entire period of the subscription.
- It is not recommended to change the nature of the job ad during the editing process. If the nature of the job ad changes it is recommended to upload a new ad.
JobMaster will send the advertiser access passwords for the interface to the site. The advertiser shall confirm that it has received the passwords properly and that they are clear to it for commencement of advertising.
At the end of the period of advertising, if the advertiser does not continue advertising with JobMaster, access to the advertising system (cvMaster) shall be blocked for it, and it shall not be possible to view the content of the positions and/or details of the candidates who applied for the position advertised
In an annual subscription it is possible to freeze the subscription for two continuous months or, alternatively, for two periods of freezing of one month each time. Each of the periods of freezing may be realized up to 60 days from the end of the original period of the subscription. In a half-year subscription it is possible to freeze the subscription once only for a continuous period of one month. The period of freezing may be realized by up to 30 days from the end of the original period of the subscription.
It is not possible to freeze the subscription for only part of the month. Partial freezing (a few days only) shall be regarded as a full period (a full month of freezing). In other words, one day of freezing shall be regarded as a month of freezing.
7. Remarks
- All the activities of ads found in the advertising interface in the site (CVMaster), including advertising, updating, editing, deletion, freezing, pop-up, mailing, etc. are done by the advertiser only and not by JobMaster.
- JobMaster does not guarantee that there will be success in recruiting.
Dynamic ad bank subscription
1. Content of ads (displayed to the job seekers)
Permitted for advertising
- Job offers in Israel in accordance with the law
- Definition of "Job Offer": A job offer from a potential employer to candidates, which includes details about the description
and requirements of the position and employment, and constitutes a preliminary stage to creating an employment contract,
subject to equality laws and contract law in Israel. - Job offers abroad only when speaking of relocation (transfer to abroad)
- Phone number or fax number (in a designated place and not in the required ad content)
Prohibited for advertising
- Commercial offers (of all kinds)
- Offers for studies and/or courses
- Job offers for young people abroad (not relocation)
- Job offers using the pyramid method (MLM) etc. (but only in the field of network marketing)
- Website address
- Email address
- Advertising or referring to WhatsApp phone numbers
- Direction to social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts, etc.
- The ads purchased may be exploited during up to one year from the date of their purchase.
- Any ad may be published in a maximum of 2 different categories.
- Only one job can be posted per advertising cube.
- Every ad uploaded to the site is advertised for 30 days continuously, without the option of deletion, but it is possible to freeze its advertising on the site. However, the advertising days continue to be counted.
- Every new ad that is uploaded to the site is mailed once only to the relevant job seekers in the field.
- At the end of 14 days the ad is mailed again to new job seekers who have joined the site after the date of advertising the ad and who have not yet received the ad by email.
- The second mailing is done only if the ad was updated (date or content) after 14 days from its date of advertising. It is possible to purchase additional mailings for every ad. The cost of every mailing is 80 NIS + VAT.
- It is possible to purchase up to 6 additional mailings only for every ad in a month. In other words, every ad will have a maximum of 8 mailings in a month (2 for free on purchasing the ad and another 6 on payment of NIS 80 + VAT for every mailing).
- It is possible to mail every ad once in 4 full days (96 hours). In other words, if a position was mailed on Sunday then the next mailing will only be possible on Thursday of the same week.
- If the advertiser has purchased a quota of mails for a specific ad (in addition to the 2 free mailings) but has not yet used them for the ad, and the ad has already stopped being advertised, the advertiser will be given the option of using the mailings that it purchased for other ads, during up to one year from the date of the purchase of the mailings.
4. Pop-up ads (updating date)
- It is possible to update the date (pop-up an ad) once only a day.
- Pop-up of the ad is done by the advertiser only.
- It is possible to edit the content of the ads without limitation during the entire period of advertising.
- It is not possible to delete the ad before the end of 30 continuous days of advertising.
- It is possible to freeze the ad but its 30 days of advertising will continue to be counted.
- It is not recommended to change the nature of the job ad during the editing process. If the nature of the job ad changes it is recommended to upload a new ad, or, alternatively, after changing the nature of the job ad it must be mailed again to the appropriate job seekers.
- JobMaster will send the advertiser access passwords for the interface to the site. The advertiser shall confirm that it has received the passwords properly and that they are clear to it for commencement of advertising.
- At the end of the period of advertising (up to one year from the date of purchasing the ads), if the advertiser does not continue advertising in JobMaster, the access to the advertising system (cvMaster) will remain open for one month only for viewing the content of the positions advertised and/or details of the candidates who applied for the positions advertised.
- At the end of one month from the end of the period of advertising the last ad, the advertiser shall not have access to the advertising system (cvMaster). It is possible to continue to obtain access to the advertising system (cvMaster) only after purchasing a subscription for the cvMaster product, in accordance with the JobMaster price list.
7. Remarks
- All the activities of ads found in the advertising interface in the site (CVMaster), including advertising, updating, editing, deletion, freezing, pop-up, mailing, etc. are done by the advertiser only and not by JobMaster.
- JobMaster does not guarantee that there will be success in recruiting.
Click Master service and PPC advertising ("Per Click" payment)
- Click Master is a service for the promotion of ads advertised on the site.
- Click Master is offered to advertisers who have purchased an annual subscription or a dynamic ad bank subscription only.
- The validity of the click Master service is subject to a valid annual subscription or a dynamic ad bank subscription.
- The frequency of promotion of the ads is dependent on the period of time chosen by the advertiser, starting from a number of seconds and up to an unlimited period of time.
- It is possible to purchase the click Master service in one of the following ways:
1. Payment in advance by purchasing a coupon in a sum starting from NIS 500.
2. Payment at the beginning of the month following the purchase of the service in accordance with the use in that month (in accordance with the number of clicks). - The payment for the click Master service is calculated in accordance with the number of clicks on the ad advertised by the advertiser only. It is hereby clarified that the quality of the clicks or the results of the clicks are at the responsibility of the advertiser only, and do not constitute any parameter whatsoever for calculation of the payment.
- Calculation of the payment for the click Master service is based on data reports produced by JobMaster. These reports are the sole and final basis for the calculation.
- A customer who has not paid his debt to JobMaster or who does not have a credit balance in the coupon shall not be entitled to receive the click Master service. JobMaster shall be entitled to disconnect the service to the customer as aforesaid, without giving prior notice.
- For additional details regarding the service please contact JobMaster in one of the ways as set forth above.
Viewing a database of profiles and resumes on the website
1. A database of profiles and accounts on the website that serve to locate relevant candidates in the professional social network of Job Master.
2. All users registered to the database registered to Job Master on their own accord and with their full consent, all the details that the registered user chose to publish in his profile, including personal information, education, professional experience, resume file, etc., are the sole responsibility of the user.
3. The system for contacting (phone, email, invoice) with profiles and the system for viewing and downloading resumes are provided as an aid to the recruiting activities of the recruiting client only, any mass viewing and/or mass downloading of profiles and/or resumes from the database through Any type of software or for purposes not related to recruitment, will be considered a violation of the terms and conditions of Job Master and will lead to appropriate action against the user, including immediate termination of the subscription and taking legal measures against the user and the company he represents and/or acts on behalf of.
4. The recruiting user will not share the information and/or contacts and/or resume you downloaded with any party outside of the user's own recruiting team. Any such action will be considered a violation of the terms and conditions of Job Master and will lead to appropriate action against the user, including immediate termination of the subscription and taking legal measures against the user and the company he represents and/or acts on behalf of.
5. The service is offered to companies and recruiters who have purchased an annual subscription or an ad bank subscription or purchased a dedicated subscription to view the profile database only.
6. The subscription allows the recruiting user to establish direct contact (by phone or WhatsApp or email) with the profiles registered in the database, which he finds suitable for his requirements.
7. The validity of the profile database viewing service is subject to the period of the annual subscription or the ad bank subscription or the dedicated subscription purchased by the customer.
8. You can purchase the viewing service in the profile database and invoice in one of the following two ways:
1. Purchase of a subscription to view the database according to the latest price list in Job Master, according to the time period and amount of "credits" for contacting.
2. As part of an active advertising package in one of the annual subscription and/or ad bank options.
9. The payment for the service is made in advance, it is hereby clarified that the results of viewing the profile database and resume files are the sole responsibility of the customer and do not constitute any parameter for success in hiring employees.
10. Job Master cannot be a guarantee for the reliability of the information appearing in the profiles, the sole responsibility for the information applies to the user only (job seeker, service provider, recruiter, salesperson, placement company, etc.).
11. A customer who does not have an active amount of "credits" to view contact details of candidates in the database will not have the option to disclose contact details or contact candidates appearing in the profile database.
12. For more details about the service, please contact Job Master in one of the ways detailed at the top of the page.
3. The system for contacting (phone, email, invoice) with profiles and the system for viewing and downloading resumes are provided as an aid to the recruiting activities of the recruiting client only, any mass viewing and/or mass downloading of profiles and/or resumes from the database through Any type of software or for purposes not related to recruitment, will be considered a violation of the terms and conditions of Job Master and will lead to appropriate action against the user, including immediate termination of the subscription and taking legal measures against the user and the company he represents and/or acts on behalf of.
4. The recruiting user will not share the information and/or contacts and/or resume you downloaded with any party outside of the user's own recruiting team. Any such action will be considered a violation of the terms and conditions of Job Master and will lead to appropriate action against the user, including immediate termination of the subscription and taking legal measures against the user and the company he represents and/or acts on behalf of.
5. The service is offered to companies and recruiters who have purchased an annual subscription or an ad bank subscription or purchased a dedicated subscription to view the profile database only.
6. The subscription allows the recruiting user to establish direct contact (by phone or WhatsApp or email) with the profiles registered in the database, which he finds suitable for his requirements.
7. The validity of the profile database viewing service is subject to the period of the annual subscription or the ad bank subscription or the dedicated subscription purchased by the customer.
8. You can purchase the viewing service in the profile database and invoice in one of the following two ways:
1. Purchase of a subscription to view the database according to the latest price list in Job Master, according to the time period and amount of "credits" for contacting.
2. As part of an active advertising package in one of the annual subscription and/or ad bank options.
9. The payment for the service is made in advance, it is hereby clarified that the results of viewing the profile database and resume files are the sole responsibility of the customer and do not constitute any parameter for success in hiring employees.
10. Job Master cannot be a guarantee for the reliability of the information appearing in the profiles, the sole responsibility for the information applies to the user only (job seeker, service provider, recruiter, salesperson, placement company, etc.).
11. A customer who does not have an active amount of "credits" to view contact details of candidates in the database will not have the option to disclose contact details or contact candidates appearing in the profile database.
12. For more details about the service, please contact Job Master in one of the ways detailed at the top of the page.
* Note - JobMaster is entitled to update the procedures for posting and viewing the profile database and CV's on the site from time to time (on this page), without the need for a direct or personal update by the companies that advertise on the site.